User Defined Function Reference

Below is a list of the user defined functions for catagory: GuiTab Management.
Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.


User Defined Function Description
_GUICtrlTabDeleteAllItems Removes all items from a tab control.
_GUICtrlTabDeleteItem Removes an item from a tab control.
_GUICtrlTabDeselectAll Resets items in a tab control.
_GUICtrlTabGetCurFocus Returns the index of the item that has the focus in a tab control.
_GUICtrlTabGetCurSel Determines the currently selected tab in a tab control.
_GUICtrlTabGetExtendedStyle Retrieves the extended styles that are currently in use for the tab control.
_GUICtrlTabGetItemCount Retrieves the number of tabs in the tab control.
_GUICtrlTabGetItemRECT Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a tab in a tab control.
_GUICtrlTabGetRowCount Retrieves the current number of rows of tabs in a tab control.
_GUICtrlTabGetUnicodeFormat Retrieves the Unicode character format flag for the control.
_GUICtrlTabHighlightItem Sets the highlight state of a tab item.
_GUICtrlTabSetCurFocus Sets the focus to a specified tab in a tab control.
_GUICtrlTabSetCurSel Selects a tab in a tab control.
_GUICtrlTabSetMinTabWidth Sets the minimum width of items in a tab control.
_GUICtrlTabSetUnicodeFormat Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control.